Monday, September 21, 2009


Well, I finished that Hobby Horse I wanted to knit. My 3-year-old loves it (and the 9-year-old has snuck in a couple of gallops too)! It is temporarily on a too-short stick, something we just happened to have around the house. I have to buy a better stick the next time I have a chance to go to shopping. In the meantime, my little one likes to take the horse's head off after she's ridden around, and she snuggles with it next to her on the couch or on the bed. It's freaky in a Godfather-like way yet cute and hilarious at the same time!

Now, as much as I like the horse, I also always like a bit of lagniappe. For those of you not from New Orleans, "lagniappe" means a little something extra. As I worked on this project, I couldn't help but think it would be so fun to add a little extra knitting magic and turn the horse into a unicorn. And here it is...

If you're interested in the add-on, I've detailed it on Ravelry and in the gallery.


  1. that hobby horse in incredible!! Hobby unicorn, I mean. :) Great job!!

    - Julie

  2. Excellent! I would love that (as a 3 year old, an 8 year old, or a 29 year old, really)

  3. What a cute horsie!! I love the hot pink color too!

  4. mom made us hobby horses when we were kids and they were the BEST TOYS EVER! I'm sure your little one will love it to death. :)

  5. I love your unicorn! Finding the head in bed would be kinda funny. :)
